Beer and Cider Festivals
We organise and run the Exeter Festival of Winter Ales, held in January of each year.
A year of festivals, both beer and Cider related events close to home and slightly further a field.
2015 dates
16 & 17 January Exeter & East Devon Festival of Winter Ales
If you know of any other festivals, please email
National Festivals
There are details on the main CAMRA website about CAMRA festivals held all over the UK
On Saturday lunchtime 17th January Freelance journalist and writer Adrian Tierney-Jones will be signing copies of his and Roger Protz’ book, ‘Britain’s Beer Revolution’ (Roger will have already signed them).
Copies will be limited, so don’t miss out.
If you would like to get involved or help us out with the festival or even join us on the festival committee or If you feel you have a few free hours, want to meet some great people, have some fun, drink some free beer, obtain a limited edition festival T-shirt & glass, then we would love to hear from you. Please click to email us to find out how you could help.
Click here to see this years Beer Menu