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Pub Database (Pubzilla)/Whatpub

Exeter and East Devon branch has over 500 licensed premises listed on the branch pub database (Pubzilla) and on WhatPub, with approximately 350 serving real ale. All establishments have ‘brief details’ with currently some 35% with ‘full details’. The branch requires the remaining 65% or so of its real ale pubs to be surveyed, and the help of all branch members is needed to achieve this target.

To survey a pub, visit and log in with the same details you use to visit the Members Area of CAMRA’s national website. Enter a pub you would like to view in the search field – pubs can be searched by pub name, town, post code etc e.g. Tom Cobley Tavern Spreyton. If there is some information missing, or you feel needs improving/updating then click on the red button ‘Add/Edit Details’ at the top right of the page. You will then be taken to a Pub Feedback form that will allow you to submit additional information and recommended changes. This information will then be sent to the appropriate CAMRA branch, and subsequently updated. Alternatively, if you are surveying a pub for this branch, as well as the above method, you can complete a survey form that is downloadable at the bottom of this page. Once the form has been fully completed please return via, the information will then be recorded onto the branch pub database (Pubzilla) and exported to WhatPub.

Surveying for WhatPub should be conducted in the same way as for the Good Beer Guide, except that descriptions, unlike the GBG, have no word limit; these should be as full and comprehensive as possible. A photo of the premises, if one is not showing, would be good.

When visiting a pub take the WhatPub information sheet along, you can then show it to the Publican, and he or she can tell you if any information is incorrect, or add any that is missing, they may like to write their own descriptions!

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