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Branch Contacts

     For general enquiries.


Alternatively, you can contact individual branch committee members below.

Please note that some roles have changed following the October AGM, and

the contacts below will be fully updated shortly. Some roles are also to be added.


(Branch Contact)
Steve Murray

Vice Chair

(Branch Contact)
Keith Dickson



(Branch Contact)
Andrew Kerr











Membership Secretary

(Branch Contact)

Tim Gilbert


Andy Walker


Social Secretary

Martyn Shepherd

01395 274770

Cider Rep.

Nick Pring









LocAle Officer & Pubs Protection Officer

Steve Rippin









NBSS Co-ord
Steve Murray

Press Officer
Caroline Trevaskis

Transport Officer

Timothy Sedgwick


(Exe Ale) Editor
Dave Butler


 GBG and

Pub Database submissions Coordinator

Mark Trevaskis








Web Editor

Andrew Kerr


07517 530 525

Public Affairs Officer


Young Members Officer


Clubs Officer

Phil Plummer

Organiser, Festival of

Winter Ales (FOWA)

Ray Dwan

07800 920901

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