Beer Festivals and events
This page lists both CAMRA and independent beer festivals and other events as notified to the branch
by members and often visited by them, with the accent on public transport links.
Fri 17th - Sat 18th Jan 2020 31st Exeter Festival of Winter Ales
(FOWA) at Exeter City Football Club
Tues 4th - Sat 8th Feb CAMRA GBBF (Winter), Birmingham
Thurs 6th - Sat 8th Feb TWAF 2020 - 25th Tewkesbury Winter Ales Fest
Fri 7th - Sat 8th February Dorchester Beerex
Weds 19th - Fri 21st Feb 'Ales in the Orangery' Beer Festival, The Imperial, Exeter
Sat 22nd February Moorhayes Community Centre, Tiverton
Winter Real Ales & Cider Festival
Thurs 19th -Sat 21st Mar CAMRA Bristol Beer Festival - see link for Ticketing info
Postponed until 5th-7th November - purchased tickets remain valid, consult festival website if refunds required.
Sat 21st March Yeofest 13, Yeoford Community Centre
Postponed until Yeo!Cider combined event in October
Thurs-Sat 16th-18th April Maltings SIBA Beer Festival, Osborne Park, Newton Abbot
(Thurs from 5pm) Postponed until hopefully September, dates tbd.
Fri 18th - Sun 20th Sept Abbfest, charity Food, Beer and Music festival
July update: Now cancelled, until Sept 2021
Fri 18th - Sun 20th Sept 20th Wedmore Real Ale Festival
Sat 19th September Exe Valley Brewery, Silverton, Charity Beer Day
Thurs-Sat 24th-26th Sept Maltings SIBA Beer Festival, Osborne Park, Newton Abbot
July update: Now cancelled, until April 2021
Thurs 5th -Sat 7th Nov CAMRA Bristol Beer Festival - see link for Ticketing info