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The APPLE (Apple and Pear Produce Liaison Executive) Committee has in

place a network of representatives who report back on matters regarding

cider and perry.

Each Rep covers an area, not dissimilar to county, covering several

CAMRA branches. This is because most branches do not have active

members who take an interest in cider an perry related matters.

The Main duties of our APPLE rep are:

  • Reporting new outlets for real cider and real perry.
  • Reporting new producers of cider and perry.


These are continual tasks, although more vital during production of the "Good Cider Guide". Any local changes to cider and perry availability should be reported to APPLE, and also "Whats Brewing" if it is considered news-worthy.

  • Acting as a local source of information for outside organisations.

This may involve speaking to the press, local publicans and anyone wanting to know about real cider and perry locality.

  • Promoting real cider and perry at local events, e.g. beer festivals.

Most beer festivals have a selection of real cider and perry, Offer to help behind the bar,making sure there is a plentiful supply of leaflets and local information, to encourage drinking cider and perry in their local pubs. To also assist other organisations who may run events, that would benefit from the assistance from and APPLE rep.

To contact our branch APPLE rep for details, information or assistance please click       to email her.

To contact APPLE please click

CAMRA's Cider Definitions

CAMRA supports the promotion of real draught and real bottled cider and perry (all reference to cider include perry)

CAMRA defines real cider as cider, that has been produced and stored in the traditional way, and is living in the container from which it is dispensed. Real cider must not be stored or dispensed using extraneous gas pressure.

Definitions of real draught cider and perry:

(A) Ingredients

  • The liquid content before fermentation must consist entirely of non-pasteurised apple (cider), or pear (perry) juice.
  • No apple or pear juice concentrates to be used.
  • Normally, only sugar naturally available in the fruit should be used to cause fermintation, but in years when natural sugar in fruit is low, the addition of extraneous sugar to aid fermintation is acceptable.

(B) Process

  • No pasteurisation to take place during the production process.
  • No added colourings to be used.
  • No added flavourings to be used.
  • There must be no artificial carbonation for draught products.
  • Sweetener may be added to fully fermented cider/perry to make sweet or medium.
  • The addition of water is permitted to bring the alcoholic content of the cider/perry down to the level required by the producer. Ideally, however the minimum juice content should not be lower then 90% volume.
  • No micro filtration allowed (this takes all the yeast, leaving a 'dead' product).


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